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Stadt Offenbach


Offenbach wants to be discovered. Here you will find everything for getting to know each other - from the hotel, to gastronomic tips and leisure activities. Enjoy!

Offenbach not only attracts visitors as an international fair and event city, but also as a leisure metropolis with a high recreational value. The direct location on the southern banks of the Main offers the best conditions for cycling to Frankfurt or south-east. The idyllic and award-winning Mainradweg leads from the city center to Rumpenheimer Castle with its English landscape garden in which already kings walked.

  • Besondere Orte

    Schlösser und besondere Gebäude

    Offenbach ist eine Stadt der Kontraste, das ergibt sich nicht nur aus dem Gefüge historischer Bauten und preisgekrönter Architektur.
  • Sehenswert


    Das Büsingpalais ist Offenbachs repräsentativstes Gebäude. In dem ehemaligen Stadtpalais sind heute Tagungsräume und der Trausaal des städtischen Standesamtes.

As the "Weather City" with headquarters of the German Weather Service, Offenbach has a unique 20,000 square meter weather park, which explains the phenomena of the weather and its scientific background as an adventure and theme park easy to understand and lures to a trip into the countryside. Not far from the park, a high ropes course awaits adventurers looking for a thrill.

  • Freizeit


    Der Wetterpark in Offenbach ist ein öffentlich zugänglicher Park, in dem sich thematisch alles um das Thema Wetter dreht. Es werden in der Saison mehrere Führungen und Workshops angeboten.

Culinaric delights

Offenbach is international, the menu is correspondingly colorful and diverse. Whether Italian, Greek, Spanish, Asian, Turkish or African cuisine - promissed, you will be 100% happy.

Genussvoll: Kulinarische Orte in Offenbach


The leather museum, the Klingspor museum and the Haus der Stadtgeschichte prove that leather has more than one material and the art of writing more than one variety. With exciting exhibitions and interesting programmes, all three are close to the pulse of the times and show a variety of approaches to yesterday, here and today, but also to the future.
For those who are interested in culture, it is worth visiting internationally renowned museums such as the Klingspor Museum of Modern Book and Font Art and the Leder Museum with footwear from four millennia. Among other things, the Haus der Stadtgeschichte documents the development of lithography, which is important for Offenbach's economic history. In addition, the city is known as a creative location and home to many artists and designers who regularly open their galleries and studios to the public.

  • Klingspor Museum

    Klingspor Museum

    Das ist die offizielle Webseite des Klingspor Museum in Offenbach. Die Faszination internationaler Buch- und Schriftkunst werden hier erfahrbar.
  • Haus der Stadtgeschichte

    Zeitreise durch eine wechselvolle Geschichte

    Von der Steinzeit bis zur Gegenwart hat Offenbach Krisen gemeistert und immer wieder auch Blütezeiten erlebt. Das lässt sich im Haus der Stadtgeschichte anhand eindrucksvoller Exponate nachvollziehen.
  • Museen und Ausstellungshäuser

    Deutsches Ledermuseum

    Das Deutsche Ledermuseum hat weltweit ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal in der Museumswelt: Über 30.000 Objekte zeugen von kulturhistorischen Bedeutung des Werkstoffs Leder von der Urzeit bis heute.

Going Out

The best way to open up the city and people at one of the numerous festivals, with a glass of Äppler one comes here quickly into conversation.
What's up is in our festival and event calendar. There you will also find the program of our event houses Capitol and Stadthalle as well as the many other larger and smaller stages.

Erläuterungen und Hinweise
